Real Estate en interview"We're Bored, Surrounded By Pretty Houses And Trees."

Le Drone

Février 2010


David Pais

Lately, indie music has been quite complicated. We got our share of dudes curled up behind weird machines, in a desperate need to find the ultimate brown noise. Sometimes, you won’t really get it, but still you’ll have to pretend that it’s ok to fuck buttons with your gear on stage for an hour, even if you come back from those shows with a monster headache. Eventually you want to hear something fresh at some point.
Well, Real Estate are not into the headache thing, they’re from New Jersey. Oddly enough, when I told lead singer Martin Courtney during the interview that I’d like to visit New Jersey, he thought I was kidding. Although the band describe the suburbs they grew up in as comfortable and boring, their songs are filled with nostalgia from their teenage days.
It reminds you of this perfect summer 86, that actually never happened. It’s this kind of faded memory feeling, the very same one that some smart ass described as hypnagogic (half awake/half asleep mental state) that fits the most Real Estate’s first LP. It’s maybe not a coincidence if guitarist Matt Mandanile is also the man behind the bands Ducktails and Predator Vision, both refered as hypnagogic pop. Or maybe not, I’m not sure anymore, my memory’s fading away, it’s that god damn hypnagogic state thingy! Here comes the headache again…